Commentary by guest author, Dianne Mueller
Of all the books on my bookshelf, this one – David Horowitz’ “The Black book Of the American Left” – has me the most excited to dig into. With the election and installment of Barack Obama I began to understand the threat of Marxism, or Leftism, or whatever totalitarianism you prefer.
It’s shameful that I had lived so long and yet knew and understood so little about the secret cabal of foreign thought that had been trying to take America away from me – and you, of course. I say “taking away” because that’s what totalitarianism does, it takes away one’s freedom to think and more importantly do for yourself.
It’s not the kind of totalitarianism that a teenager thinks of when Mom and Dad always seem to be saying “NO” to everything we want to do, killing our fun times – and why? Because they said so.
It is, rather, the kind of totalitarianism that creeps up behind you and says to everyone around you, “Don’t listen to her about politics, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She’s been listening to all the wrong people.” And, of course, that’s when your friends and family begin to think you’ve been drinking the KoolAid of the “other” party.
But I’m here to tell you that I’m not alone, that I’m not the only one who let the fox into the henhouse without realizing it. President Trump knew it long before I did, and so have a few others who have been given the sacred government jobs that we elected them to.
David Horowitz is one author who has not only seen the light but he really lived in the dark for a long time before that. His story should resound well among today’s college students – but I doubt they’ll see that. Sad, but true.
Hopefully these youngsters will see the light before America goes the way of other failed so-called “democracies,” and even a republic or two… all of whom fell to totalitarians and back into slavery.